<h1 class="entry-title">Category: Personal Credit</h1>
12 Aug
How Business Owners Can Improve Their Credit Score

How Business Owners Can Improve Their Credit Score

For business owners, a solid credit score isn’t just a personal finance matter; it’s a critical aspect of the success and growth of their business. Great credit can open doors to favorable financing terms, better loan rates, increased credibility, and access to valuable opportunities. This article will explore why a good credit score is essential […]

15 Aug
Why You Should Never Use Your Personal Credit Card for Business

Why You Should Never Use Your Personal Credit Card for Business

Never use your personal credit card when making business purchases. One advantage is that many business credit card issues don’t report to the personal credit bureaus so this can actually keep your credit score intact. For example, there may be times when you’ll need to max out your credit card to purchase inventory or equipment, […]